Have you just moved into a new home in Oklahoma City only to find that the heat is getting you down? First off you are always better off in an Ideal Homes’ energy efficient home because our EnergyAdvantage really makes a difference when it comes to the summer heat. As a top home builder in OKC, we’ve designed your home with energy efficiency in mind. From the materials we use to our building techniques, your home will use less energy to keep things cool. This is why our homes are designed as an energy efficient system. All that being said, here are some other tips that are practical, fun, and just plain useful when trying to keep your cool when everything around you just won’t co-operate. Get Your Windows Covered – Not only can window coverings be decorative, they are also functional. They don’t just keep curious eyes from seeing in; they can help block the sun and keep the house a little cooler. Consider drawing the blinds, closing the plantation blinds, or pulling the curtains closed during the heat of the day to help cool down the house. Circulation is Key – Keep the air circulating. This may mean area fans in the house, or simply turning on an overhead fan to keep the air moving. Fanning yourself with a palm frond may not be the best use of your own energy, but it certainly would be nice if you can find someone else to do it for you. Chill Out with a Beverage – Ice, ice baby. Think about blending up an ice cold smoothie or a slushy to help cool yourself down. For the kids, consider popsicles or other frozen treats to knock the heat down and keep the morale up. Water Slides and Kiddie Pools! – Okay kiddie pools aren’t just for the kids. Consider investing in one of those fun water slides for the kids, and an inexpensive inflatable pool for yourself too. Fill it up. Pop in a lounge chair. Maybe sip one of those drinks listed above. And watch the kids cool down. If you've got a big floppy hat or tilt-able umbrella, even better. Go to a Movie – When all else fails and you just want a cool dark place to escape to, consider a fun summer movie. Theaters are always well air conditioned. Heck you may even need a sweater! Above all else, know that this heatwave too shall pass, and at the end of the day, you do have one of the most energy efficient homes in Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas if you live in an Ideal Home.