Julie, an Ideal Homes employee, and her husband Kevin are sharing their experience of building a new Ideal Home. You can read their previous posts here.
The construction of our new home is in full swing now. We've been through the pre-drywall meeting, and now our home has walls and windows and even cabinets--in other words, it's beginning to look like a real home!
The process has been fun and exciting, but that's not to say that there haven't been some big adjustments for our family along the way.
Already owning a home, we put our house on the market with a Realtor, and it sold more quickly than we'd expected, which was great news. The market was good and we were excited that a new family was going to be making memories in a house that was a big part of our lives for six and a half years.
But when it sold, we were faced with the decision of what to do between when we closed on our previous home and when our new home is going to ready for us. We could find something to rent or we could take my mom up on her very kind offer to let me, my husband, our two young sons, and two big dogs live with her. We chose to stick everything in storage and move in with my mom.
I was a little nervous about the adjustment for everyone. My mom loves working out in her yard, and my labs love to dig big holes in the yard. But it has all worked out great. Moving twice can be a challenge, but every time I stop by the house to see what progress Ideal Homes has made on it, I know the sacrifice my family (and my mom!) is making will all be worth it.
Because in the end, my family going to be in our new Ideal home.