The Ideal Homes Difference, Rooted in Every Tree


March 11, 2025

Explore the thought and care that go into the landscaping of every new Ideal Home, thanks to our friends at Marcum’s Nursery. Read more about the landscaping packages customized for each new Ideal home and the many ways homeowners can bring their own spring color to their homes with what to plant in Oklahoma

More Than Just Landscaping

What thought goes into selecting the trees in new Ideal Homes? Quite a bit, it turns out.

When you step into any new Ideal community throughout the OKC metro, Stillwater, or Tulsa, you might notice more trees in the yards than you see in other builders' communities. At first glance, they’re just part of the landscape, but they tell a bigger story.

Ideal Homes & Neighborhoods has four important criteria for the trees selected for each new Ideal Home. Wrapped into this seemingly small decision is the heart of the Ideal Homes & Neighborhoods philosophy and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Ideal Homes Tree Criteria #1: Slow-Growing 

Ideal Homes & Neighborhoods plants slow-growing, sturdy trees like oaks and elms. These trees take years to mature, but when they do, they stand tall, strong, and resilient, especially in Oklahoma winds. 

Just like an Ideal home, slow-growing trees built with the future in mind. Not just for the next season, but for the next generation.

Some builders rush the process, choosing materials, floor plans, and even trees that look good in the moment but won’t hold up over time.

Ideal Homes Tree Criteria #2: Deep-Rooted

Ideal Homes only plants disease-resistant trees that will develop deep, sturdy roots that can stand firm when the wind picks up. These trees don’t just provide shade for now. They’re here for the long run.

You won’t find shallow-rooted trees like Bradford pears in new Ideal Homes communities. Sure, these trees may shoot up quickly, but their shallow roots and soft wood makes them uproot or break under pressure.

Ideal Homes Tree Criteria #3: Suited for Oklahoma

Not every tree (or home) can thrive in Oklahoma’s climate. Between the heat, storms, and shifting red dirt soil, understanding of the local terrain is vital. 

Ideal Homes & Neighborhoods is a local home builder. We are Oklahomans building homes for Oklahomans. Because we know Oklahoma’s conditions, we know how to build homes better than out-of-state home builders.

  • We understand the soil. That’s why we conduct hydrology studies and customize every foundation for each community.
  • We’ve lived through the heat. That’s why we’re proud to be Oklahoma’s most nationally recognized builder for energy efficiency.
  • We know tornadoes. That’s why we’re a leader in tornado-resilient home construction.

Ideal Homes Tree Criteria #4: Low-Maintenance and Homeowner Friendly

Ideal doesn’t plant trees with nuisance droppings like spiky seed pods or sticky sap that can make sidewalks messy and driveways a chore. It’s a small detail, but one that makes a difference. 

This final criteria is in place because the architects and designers at Ideal envision the homeowner’s experience, even down to walking to the front door after a long day. No one wants to track in sap.

Nurturing replanted trees is a critical step to ensuring that your Ideal landscaping flourishes. Find care instructions for your Ideal landscaping here.

Your Trees, Your Ideal Home

Just like the small tree planted in your new Ideal Home, your home wasn’t meant to be frozen in time on move-in day. Your home grows with you, shelters you, and stands strong.

If you’re ready to grow deep roots in an Ideal home, visit us at to find a new home or floorplan in one of our 22 open communities throughout the Oklahoma City metro, Norman, Edmond, Moore, and Tulsa.