Fall Furnace Care

September 24, 2013

Before you know it, winter will be upon us. It's time to start thinking about preparing your home for the colder weather. One of the most important parts of your home to consider before winter hits is the furnace. Maintenance of the furnace will save you money on your utility bills and prolong the life of the furnace. After the first year in your home, a professional should service the air-conditioning and heating system in the spring and the fall to keep it operating at maximum efficiency. While the weather is still warm enough, you should do a test run on your furnace. If service is necessary, it will be much more convenient to have repairs done during the fall when the weather is still mild. Before testing your furnace, open the windows in your home. When you first turn on the heater, you may notice a smell and possibly even some smoke. This comes from dust that settles on the heat exchanger. It could even cause your smoke detectors to come on, but opening your windows will help the odor and/or smoke to dissipate quickly. If you notice the smell of gas, leave your house immediately and contact the gas company. These simple steps will have your furnace ready to take on the colder weather.