Free Family Summer Fun In The Oklahoma City Metro
June 14, 2013
School is out for the summer. Here are some great free ideas to keep the whole family busy on a budget and enjoy some of the treasures in and around the city. Play in the Park - Various parks all around the city offer free activities ranging from sports, crafts and educational games. While not a substitute for daycare, these programs supervised by adults and run by trained staff are available from June 10th to July 19th. Check out the sites where activities are available. The Metropolitan Library - An easy drive from our Fountain Grass community located west of the city center, find fun activities like creative writing for kids, children reading to dogs, story time, crafting and so much more! Check out the calendar of events for the libraries all over the city and find something for everyone. The Pioneer Library System - Find events in and around all the cities listed through the Pioneer System from story time, summer reading camps, movie time at the library and so much more. These include events at the library and around the city. Summer Nights In The Park Series - The Moore Public Library, just minutes from our Wild Flower, Country Place, and Carrington Place communities, offers up a free summer concert series at Buck Thomas Park, 1901 NE 12thSt. in Moore each Friday in June from 7-9. Mini Model Building - On the first Tuesday of every month, beat the heat and head to the LEGO store at Penn Square Mall with your little construction crew ages 6-14 to do a free model build. Space is limited so check in with the store for details. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History - First Mondays are always free, but for the month of June, in the wake of the storms, the Museum is offering free admission for the entire month. Just minutes from our Norman communities of Trail Woods, Red Canyon Ranch, and Green Leaf Trails, The Sam Noble Museum boasts a collection of more than 7 million objects and specimens in 12 collections along with other special exhibits. There's fun and activities for the whole family. Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Also just steps away from our Norman communities, the FJJMA is always free and features a permanent collection of Native American art, French Impressionism, 20th century American painting and sculpture, Southwest art, pottery, photography, contemporary art, Asian art and graphics from the 16th century to present. Visit their calendar of events for "Art Adventures" Whether you are looking for indoor or outdoor activities in and around the OKC metro area, fun for the family doesn't have to break the bank. Take full advantage of the free arts and culture offered by public libraries, museums, and parks in your area.