Happy Independence Day From Ideal Homes

July 5, 2013

Here at Ideal Homes we'd like to take a moment to wish you a Happy Independence Day. Last week we included a great list of 4th of July activities in and around the Oklahoma City Metro Area providing fun for the whole family. We all enjoy the family bar-b-cues, fireworks, baseball games, parades, and the celebrations that commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. This day is about freedom and coming together to do amazing things. We've seen great deeds all across the country this year that represent the spirit of this nation and the sacrifice made by others to protect these freedoms that we all enjoy. Incredible people step up to do what they can to help. From the first responders at the Boston Marathon, to people who rushed to the aid of others during the recent storms in Moore that left many homeless, and now most recently to the 19 brave Prescott, Arizona Firefighters who lost their lives trying to save the lives and homes of others. We see people every day who exhibit the strength and courage our country was built upon. Today our hats are off to all the men and women in and out of uniform who continue to exhibit the spirit of what this nation was built upon.